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# Awakening with Brahmakumaries
# Corona Virus : Subtitles English
# Spiritual Speaker sister B.K. SHIVANI


What are the Attributes of Incorporeal God ?

The term 'Attributes of God' refers to various qualities that describe God. Here are some characteristics of the divine nature as God has revealed them to us. Incorporeal means not composed of matter and also having no material or physical existence i.e. a supreme but incorporeal being called God. 

32 attributes of Incorporeal God


the Supreme Father, the  Supreme Soul, Parampita Param Atma  

the Supreme Father, the  Supreme Soul, Parampita Param Atma
Incorporeal God & his attributes
1. God is the self-luminous point of light

2. God is the bestower of divine insight

3. God is the bestower of peace

4. God is the remover of sorrow and bestower of happiness 

5. God is the ocean of all virtues

6. God is the true reciter/declaimer of the Gita

7. God is the creator of  Trimurti - Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar 

8. God is the bestower of divine intellect

9. God is detached from happiness and sorrow

10. God is the knower of the beginning, middle and the end of the cosmic wheel

11. God makes ordinary human beings into Shri Narayan

12. God is the ocean of knowledge

13. God transforms the stone intellects into Divine Intellects

14. God is the truth : living and blissful being

15. God takes the boat of life across

16. God liberates from the fear of death

17. God is (immune to) above birth and death

18. God is the knower of the deep philosophy of Karma

19. God is the seed of the human world tree

20. God is the resident of the incorporeal world

21. God is the supreme father, teacher and sat-guru

22. God liberates from viciousness

23. God is the image of Immortality

24. God sustains the deity world through Vishnu

25. God establishes the golden aged world through Brahma

26. God is the bestower of happiness

27. God is the ocean of Peace

28. God destroys the vicious world through Shankar

29. God is the ocean of Purity

30. God is the ocean of Love

31. God is the ocean of Bliss

32. God is the bestower of liberation and life with liberation

What is Holistic Health ?

True awareness, Original qualities,Positive thoughts,Positive action, Meditation

Holistic Health begins with Healthy Soul. For holistic health, the most important step is to make the soul healthy and peaceful. The following steps are basically needed to make the soul healthy.

Ø  True awareness :
The true awareness of being a constant point of divine light and might between the eyebrows is a positive step towards a healthy soul.

Ø  Original qualities :
Originally the soul is a peaceful, loving, blissful, pure and powerful being. Understanding these original qualities, the conscious self make one happy and harmonious.

Ø  Positive thoughts :
Affirmative and positive thoughts for regaining soul consciousness help one to break the vicious circle resulting from body consciousness.

Ø  Positive action :
To make the soul healthy, positive actions are also necessary which erase the negative impressions of the soul and gradually re-establish the positive sanskaras.

Ø  Meditation :
By tuning the mind with the supreme soul who is ever peaceful and pure, the soul in turn receives unconditional positive transactions.

For holistic health, the most important step is to make the soul healthy and peaceful. The following steps are basically needed to make the soul healthy.
healthy soul

Therefore the soul becomes tranquil, harmonious and healthy.



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