If spirituality or divinity has to happen, the first thing is, we must get our humanity to its peak. Why has every religion, every spiritual process always been talking about love for compassion ? It is not because love and compassion are the ultimate aspects of life. It is because it is good manure. If you constantly feed yourself on love and compassion, flowers will bloom in you very easily. If this manure is not giving on a daily basis, then maybe your seed is good but still it may not bloom because the necessary nourishment is not there.


So if the flower of divinity has to bloom within you, your humanity should be kept at its highest vibrancy. When you feel strong love or compassion for somebody, that is when your humanity overflows. Not goodness, not kindness, just simple humanity. This is not something that you have to train yourself to do, this is something that is anyway beating within you.

We have always understand that turning spiritual means to leave home and to go into the forest, not involved with the process of life around you. It is because of these kinds of wrong notions that so many young people and so many intelligent people refuse to look towards spirituality.

It needs to be understood that being spiritual is the most intelligent way to exist on this planet. Only when your intelligence rises beyond the mediocre, you turn truly spiritual. Spirituality is not for a fool, it is only for a person who is really capable of looking at his life with more intelligence than the common people. It is because spiritual people exhibited much more intelligence than the common people, that they they were always sought after in any part of the world.


Many a time in our life, we sit and ponder over the innumerable blunders we have committed and the many ways in which we have suffered because of it. We think hard about why we were so stupid at that moment. Sometimes, we even make a resolve not to commit those silly mistakes again. Still, we often repeat them.

Spirituality eliminates blunders

Why do we repeatedly commit these blunders ?

One main reason is that we are only concerned and bothered about our materialistic advancement, and not our spiritual advancement. If we learn and seek advancement of the spiritual side of our life, we will gain control over our intellect and other hidden powers inside us which can be used as tools to conquer adversities and obstacles. 

How decisions lead to success ?

Everyday we have to take so many decisions. Some of them are minor, whereas others are life-changing ones. we use our mind and intellect to make these decisions. when intellect is dull and fickle, these decisions lead to failure and disaster. Spiritual advancement gives us a razor-sharp intellect. It strengthens and reinforces our decision making capacity.

How Spiritual Advancement helps to take decisions ?

The correct decisions that we take lead to greater success. It becomes possible because of spiritual advancement, which is known as awareness of dharma. This is developed through belief in the Creator. Constant belief generates divine vibrations and gets established in us by blending with our soul. In short, we develop the power of discrimination or viveka shakti.

What are the fruits of Spiritual advancement in life ?

Tapping the inner potential within us is the key to joyful living. Men of wisdom have told us that when we open up the inner world in us, the outer world also opens up revealing infinite visions and opportunities. As a result joy, happiness and success become our second name.

So we should not forget these spiritual gems. Let us tap this hidden wealth inside us and lead a life of wonder instead of troubles.



One who understands the principles of spirituality will be able to face every obstacle in life with a smile.Those who do not understand s...